Number 49 (2021)
Monitoring of horizontal displacements and changes of the riverine area of the Dniester River
Shevchuk V., Burshtynska K., Korolik I., Halochkin M.
Key words: channel processes, Dniester River, monitoring, riverbed displacements, riverine areas, satellite images, supervised classification, topographic maps
For citation: Shevchuk V., Burshtynska K., Korolik I., Halochkin M. 2021. Monitoring of horizontal displacements and changes of the riverine area of the Dniester River. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 1–15.Available
at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137091.
Waterlogging tolerance: A review on regulative morpho-physiological homeostasis of crop plants
Sharma S., Sharma J., Soni V., Kalaji H.M., Elsheery N.I.
Key words: antioxidants, cellular metabolites, climate change, photosynthesis, waterlogging
For citation: Sharma S., Sharma J., Soni V., Kalaji H.M., Elsheery N.I. 2021. Waterlogging tolerance: A review on regulative morphophysiological homeostasis of crop plants. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 16–28. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137092.
Comparative assessment of Al2O3-modified biomasses from agricultural residues for nickel and cadmium removal
Herrera-Barros A., Tejada-Tovar C., Gonzalez-Delgado A.D.
Key words: adsorption, agricultural residues, alumina nanoparticles, cellulose, heavy metal ions
For citation: Herrera-Barros A., Tejada-Tovar C., Gonzalez-Delgado A.D. 2021. Comparative assessment of Al2O3-modified biomasses from agricultural residues for nickel and cadmium removal. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 29–34. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137093.
Assessment of groundwater vulnerability using the DRASTIC model: A case study of Quaternary catchment A21C, Limpopo River Basin, South Africa
Moges S.S., Dinka M.O.
Key words: A21C Quaternary catchment, DRASTIC model, groundwater vulnerability, sensitivity analysis, South Africa
For citation: Moges S.S., Dinka M.O. 2021. Assessment of groundwater vulnerability using the DRASTIC model: A case study of Quaternary catchment A21C, Limpopo River Basin, South Africa. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 35–46. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137094.
Soil erosion control in immature oil palm plantation
Satriawan H., Fuady Z., Fitri R.
Key words: cover crops, erosion, nutrient leaching, oil palm plantation, sediment trap, surface runoff, terraces
For citation: Satriawan H., Fuady Z., Fitri R. 2021. Soil erosion control in immature oil palm plantation. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 47–54. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137095.
Effect of magnetic fields and fertilizers on grass and onion growth on technogenic soils
Vasilyeva M., Kovshov S., Zambrano J., Zhemchuzhnikov M.
Key words: alternating magnetic field, biochar, bioefficiency, biohumus, constant magnetic field, fertilization, physiological parameters of plants, technogenic soil
For citation: Vasilyeva M., Kovshov S., Zambrano J., Zhemchuzhnikov M. 2021. Effect of magnetic fields and fertilizers on grass and onion growth on technogenic soils. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 55–62. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137096.
An experimental sedimentation tank for enhancing the settling of solid particles
Yaseen D.A., Abu-Alhail S., Mohammed R.N.
Key words: baffle, clay, secondary settling basin, solid particles, treatment plant, turbid water
For citation: Yaseen D.A., Abu-Alhail S., Mohammed R.N. 2021. An experimental sedimentation tank for enhancing the settling of solid particles. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 63–73. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137097.
Prospects for the use of microwave energy in grain crop seeding
Kipriyanov F.A., Savinykh P.A., Isupov A.Yu., Plotnikova Y.A., Medvedeva N.A., Belozerova S.V.
Key words: disinfection, microwave drying, microwave energy, microwave use on plants, pre-sowing treatment
For citation: Kipriyanov F.A., Savinykh P.A., Isupov A.Yu., Plotnikova Y.A., Medvedeva N.A., Belozerova S.V. 2021. Prospects for the use of microwave energy in grain crop seeding. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 74–78. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137098.
The minimization of impact of oil pollution on soils in the area of railways using glauconite
Chayka O., Petrushka I., Ruda M., Paranyak N., Matskiv O.
Key words: ecological safety, glauconite, oil products, pollution, railway transport, soil contamination
For citation: Chayka O., Petrushka I., Ruda M., Paranyak N., Matskiv O. 2021. The minimization of impact of oil pollution on soils in the area of railways using glauconite. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 79–84. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137099.
A novel method and device for plastic mulch retriever
Khazimov K.M., Niyazbayev A.K., Shekerbekova Zh.S., Urymbayeva A.A., Mukanova G.A., Bazarbayeva T.A.
Key words: compaction, microclimatic conditions, mulch retriever, plastic mulch, polymer degradation
For citation: Khazimov K.M., Niyazbayev A.K., Shekerbekova Zh.S., Urymbayeva A.A., Mukanova G.A., Bazarbayeva T.A., Nekrashevich V.F., Khazimov M.Zh. 2021. A novel method and device for plastic mulch retriever. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 85–94. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137100.
Use of fly larvae Hermetia illucens in poultry feeding: A review paper
Sverguzova S.V., Shaikhiev I.H., Sapronova Zh.A., Fomina E.V., Makridinа Yu.L.
Key words: feed, Hermetia illucens, insect feed, poultry, protein flour
For citation: Sverguzova S.V., Shaikhiev I.H., Sapronova Zh.A., Fomina E.V., Makridinа Yu.L. 2021. Use of fly larvae Hermetia illucens in poultry feeding: A review paper. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 95–103. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137101.
Features of the surface water oxygen regime in the Ukrainian Polesie Region
Aristarkhova E.O., Fedoniuk T.P., Romanchuk L.D., Latushynskyi S.V., Kot I.V.
Key words: orrelation analysis, dissolved oxygen, fish, oxygen regime, рН, seasonal fluctuations, surface water, temperature, toxicity
For citation: oxygen regime in the Ukrainian Polesie Region. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 104–110. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137102.
Spatial and temporal assessment of surface water quality using water quality index The Saguling Reservoir, Indonesia
Marselina M., Sabar A., Fahimah N.
Key words: inverse distance weight, spatial and temporal assessment, surface water, water quality index
For citation: Marselina M., Sabar A., Fahimah N. 2021. Spatial and temporal assessment of surface water quality using water quality index. The Saguling Reservoir, Indonesia. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 111–120. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137103.
Impact of raw and purified wastewater reuse from the Dar El-Gueddari treatment plant on the soil
Njimat S., Elfettahi F., Griou H., El Brouzi M.Y., Aboulouafa M., Ibn Ahmed S.
Key words: dilutions, electrical conductivity, infiltration, organic matter, pH, treatment plant, wastewater irrigation
For citation: Njimat S., Elfettahi F., Griou H., El Brouzi M.Y., Aboulouafa M., Ibn Ahmed S. 2021. Impact of raw and purified wastewater reuse from the Dar El-Gueddari treatment plant on the soil. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 121–128. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137104.
Field and modelling study for deficit irrigation strategy on roots volume and water productivity of wheat
Abdelraouf R.E., El-Shawadfy M.A., Dewedar O.M., Hozayn M.
Key words: irrigation, roots volume, SALTMED model, soil moisture, water productivity, wheat
For citation: Abdelraouf R.E., El-Shawadfy M.A., Dewedar O.M., Hozayn M. 2021. Field and modelling study for deficit irrigation strategy on roots volume and water productivity of wheat. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 129–138. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137105.
Response of potato biomass and tuber yield under future climate change scenarios in Egypt
Dewedar O., Plauborg F., El-Shafie A., Marwa A.
Key words: AquaCrop model, biomass, climate change, CMIP5 scenarios, potato, yield
For citation: Dewedar O., Plauborg F., El-Shafie A., Marwa A. 2021. Response of potato biomass and tuber yield under future climate change scenarios in Egypt. Journal of Water and Land Development No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 139–150. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137106.
Phosphoric regime of light chestnut soil and sugar beet yield with long-term use of phosphorous fertilizers
Alimbekova B., Yeleshev R., Bakenova Zh., Shibikeyeva A., Balkozha M.
Key words: ammonia nitrogen, chestnut soil, fertilization, gross phosphorus, mineral nitrogen, mineral phosphorus, mobile phosphorus, organic phosphorus, permanent sugar beet crop
For citation: Alimbekova B., Yeleshev R., Bakenova Zh., Shibikeyeva A., Balkozha M. 2021. Phosphoric regime of light chestnut soil and sugar beet yield with long-term use of phosphorous fertilizers. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 151–155. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137107.
Development of biogas and biorafinery systems in Polish rural communities
Wałowski G.
Key words: agricultural biogas, biorafination, fermentation process, pig slurry
For citation: Wałowski G. 2021. Development of biogas and biorafinery systems in Polish rural communities. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 156–168. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137108.
Grape production assessment using surface and subsurface drip irrigation methods
Kadbhane S.J., Manekar V.L.
Key words: crop water requirement, irrigation with plastic bottles, organic mulch, plastic mulch, stone column, sustainable irrigation, water productivity
For citation: Kadbhane S.J., Manekar V.L. 2021. Grape production assessment using surface and subsurface drip irrigation methods. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 169–178. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137109.
Hydrochemical characteristics and water quality assessment of Lake Dayet Erroumi – Khemisset, Morocco
El Qryefy M., Ouardi J., Najy M., Belghyti D., El Kharrim K.
Key words: Dayet Erroumi, hydrochemical characteristics, Morocco, salinity, water quality
For citation: El Qryefy M., Ouardi J., Najy M., Belghyti D., El Kharrim K. 2021. Hydrochemical characteristics and water quality assessment of Lake Dayet Erroumi – Khemisset, Morocco. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 179–187. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137110.
The mechanism of phosphate bacteria in increasing the solubility of phosphorus in Indonesian Andisols
Tamad, Maas A., Hanudin E., Widada J.
Key words: adsorption, Andisols, mineralization, phosphate bacteria, solubilisation
For citation: Tamad, Maas A., Hanudin E., Widada J. 2021. The mechanism of phosphate bacteria in increasing the solubility of phosphorus in Indonesian Andisols. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 188–194. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137111.
Estimation and management of the future evolution of groundwater water demand in the Taoura region, North-East Algeria
Rouaibia F., Sayad L., Attoui B.
Key words: Algeria, annual average precipitation, groundwater, socioeconomic development, sustainable resource management, Taoura, WEAP model
For citation: Rouaibia F., Sayad L., Attoui B. 2021. Estimation and management of the future evolution of groundwater water demand in the Taoura region, North-East Algeria. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 195–203. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137112.
Community enhancement of the environmental quality of riverbank settlements: A case study of Tridi Kampong, Indonesia
Wahyuni I.A.M., Weni I M., Hariyanto T., Sedyowati L.
Key words: environmental risk management, informal settlement, social exchange, socio-economic benefits, tourism destination
For citation: Wahyuni I.A.M., Weni I M., Hariyanto T., Sedyowati L. 2021. Community enhancement of the environmental quality of riverbank settlements: A case study of Tridi Kampong, Indonesia. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 204–212. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137113.
The influence of the mixture of vermicompost and sulphur-perlite-containing waste on the yield and the quality of crops
Baikhamurova M.O., Sainova G.A., Akbasova A.D., Anarbekova G.D., Ozler M.A.
Key words: crops quality, root vegetables, sierozem soil, soil fertility, substrate, sulphur perlite-containing waste, vermicompost, yielding
For citation: Baikhamurova M.O., Sainova G.A., Akbasova A.D., Anarbekova G.D., Ozler M.A. 2021. The influence of the mixture of vermicompost and sulphur-perlite-containing waste on the yield and the quality of crops. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 213–218. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137114.
Assessing domestic factors determining water consumption in a semi-arid area (Sedrata City) using artificial neural networks and principal component analysis
Zeroual M., Hani A., Boustila A.
Key words: artificial neural networks, domestic water use determinants, household water consumption, principal component analysis, semi-arid area
For citation: Zeroual M., Hani A., Boustila A. 2021. Assessing domestic factors determining water consumption in a semi-arid area (Sedrata City) using artificial neural networks and principal component analysis. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 219–228. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137115.
Management of expenses for fertilizers and chemical plant protection products in the accounting and control system of agrarian formations
Degaltseva Z.V., Govdya V.V., Velichko K.A.
Key words: accounting and control system, agrarian formation, cost of fertilizers, efficiency information technology, management
For citation: Degaltseva Z.V., Govdya V.V., Velichko K.A. 2021. Management of expenses for fertilizers and chemical plant protection products in the accounting and control system of agrarian formations. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 229–234. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137116.
Characterization of Algerian Sahara groundwater for irrigation and water supply: Adrar region study case
Bendida A., Kendouci M.A., Tidjani A. E.-B.
Key words: Adrar area, Algerian Sahara, drinking water, groundwater, hydrochemical, irrigation water, Piper diagram
For citation: Bendida A., Kendouci M.A., Tidjani A. E.-B. 2021. Characterization of Algerian Sahara groundwater for irrigation and water supply: Adrar region study case. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 235–243. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137117.
Flow characteristics after installation of floating bridge in open channel
Ibrahim M.M., Eltoukhy M.A.R., Ghanim A.D.
Key words: floating bridges, flow characteristics, flume, head loss, velocity
For citation: Ibrahim M.M., Eltoukhy M.A.R., Ghanim A.D. 2021. Flow characteristics after installation of floating bridge in open channel. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 244–251. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137118.
Kinetic study of oil-containing wastewater treatment with the use of natural sorbents
Tleuova S.T., Userbayeva B.A., Tleuov A.S., Yeskendirova M.M., Yakubova R.R., Kerimbayeva K.Z.
Key words: filtration, heavy metal ions, industrial wastewater, kinetics, oil-containing wastewater, sorption materials
For citation: Tleuova S.T., Userbayeva B.A., Tleuov A.S., Yeskendirova M.M., Yakubova R.R., Kerimbayeva K.Z. 2021. Kinetic study of oil-containing wastewater treatment with the use of natural sorbents. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 252–258. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137119.
Floodway design affected by land use changes in an urbanized area
Suharyanto A., Devia Y.P., Wijatmiko I.
Key words: channel dimensions, channel normalization, floodway, land cover changes, land use, runoff coefficient
For citation: Suharyanto A., Devia Y.P., Wijatmiko I. 2021. Floodway design affected by land use changes in an urbanized area. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 259–266. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137120.
Hydraulic gradient prediction for solid-water mixture flow through horizontal pipelines of different diameters and roughness and solids concentrations
Osra F.A.
Key words: deposit limit velocity, hydraulic gradient, hydraulic losses, slurry flow, solid concentrations, suspended solids, wastewater
For citation: Osra F.A. 2021. Hydraulic gradient prediction for solid-water mixture flow through horizontal pipelines of different diameters and roughness and solids concentrations. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 267–272. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137686.
Geospatial potential and environmental changes: Case study of complex nature of the Altai Geopark
Kocheeva N.A., Iurkova N.A., Sukhova M.G., Redkin A.G., Zhuravleva O.V.
Key words: Altai, environmental changes, geological objects, geopark, geotourism, rural development
For citation: Kocheeva N.A., Iurkova N.A., Sukhova M.G., Redkin A.G., Zhuravleva O.V. 2021. Geospatial potential and environmental changes: Case study of complex nature of the Altai Geopark. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 49 (IV–VI) p. 273–281. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2021.137687.