Number 17 (2012)
Annual and seasonal precipitation patterns across lowland catchment derived from rain gauge and weather radar data
Somorowska U.
Key words: rain gauge precipitation, spatial and temporal patterns, weather radar precipitation
For citation: Somorowska U. 2012. Annual and seasonal precipitation patterns across lowland catchment derived from rain gauge and weather radar data. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 17 p. 3–10.
Water resources of the island of Korčula (Croatia): availability and agricultural requirement
Ljubenkov I.
Key words: groundwater, island, irrigation, Korčula, water supply
For citation: Ljubenkov I. 2012. Water resources of the island of Korčula (Croatia): availability and agricultural requirement. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 17 p. 11–18.
Constructed wetlands in Finnish agricultural environments: balancing between effective water protection, multi-functionality and socio-economy
Berninger K., Koskiaho J., Tattari S.
Key words: agricultural, constructed wetlands, contamination, rural areas
For citation: Berninger K., Koskiaho J., Tattari S. 2012. Constructed wetlands in Finnish agricultural environments: balancing between effective water protection, multi-functionality and socio-economy. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 17 p. 19–29.
Water retention in ponds and the improvement of its quality during carp production
Barszczewski J., Kaca E.
Key words: ammonia, calcium, magnesium, nitrate-nitrogen, phosphate-phosphorus, potassium, reduction of concentration, reduction of load
For citation: Barszczewski J., Kaca E. 2012. Water retention in ponds and the improvement of its quality during carp production. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 17 p. 31–38.
Are fishponds really a trap for nutrients? – a critical comment on some papers presenting such a view
Kufel L.
Key words: nitrogen release, nutrient accumulation, nutrient cycling, phosphorus and calcium co-precipitation
For citation: Kufel L. 2012. Are fishponds really a trap for nutrients? – a critical comment on some papers presenting such a view. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 17 p. 39–44.
Small water reservoirs – their function and construction
Mioduszewski W.
Key words: small scale water retention, water balance, water quality, water reservoirs
For citation: Mioduszewski W. 2012. Small water reservoirs – their function and construction. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 17 p. 45–52.
Changes in the concentration of selected water quality parameters in Lake Starzec in the vegetation periods
Wesołowski P., Brysiewicz A.
Key words: ammonium ions, dissolved oxygen, inflow and outflow waters, Lake Starzyc, mineral nitrogen, phosphorus
For citation: Wesołowski P., Brysiewicz A. 2012. Changes in the concentration of selected water quality parameters in Lake Starzec in the vegetation periods. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 17 p. 53–59.
Water and physical characteristics of irrigated soils in the Massif of Mugan-Salyan
Mustafayev M.G.
Key words: bulk density, soaking velocity, soil density, soil porosity, soil texture, water and physical properties
For citation: Mustafayev M.G. 2012. Water and physical characteristics of irrigated soils in the Massif of Mugan-Salyan. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 17 p. 61–67.
Physiographic factors affecting the stratigraphy of peat deposits in the Lower Basin of the Biebrza River
Jaros H.
Key words: cross-section, difference in elevation, natural slope of the ground, plant community, water inflow
For citation: Jaros H. 2012. Physiographic factors affecting the stratigraphy of peat deposits in the Lower Basin of the Biebrza River. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 17 p. 69–76.
Methane emission from peat-muck soil in the Biebrza River valley in relation to ground water level and fertilisation
Turbiak J.
Key words: CH4, fertilisation, ground water level, methane, peat-muck soil
For citation: Turbiak J. 2012. Methane emission from peat-muck soil in the Biebrza River valley in relation to ground water level and fertilisation. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 17 p. 77–82.
The relationship between the liquid limit of clayey soils, external specific surface area and the composition of exchangeable cations
Olchawa A., Gorączko A.
Key words: cation exchange capacity, clayey soils, external surface area, exchangeable cations, liquid limit
For citation: Olchawa A., Gorączko A. 2012. The relationship between the liquid limit of clayey soils, external specific surface area and the composition of exchangeable cations. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 17 p. 83–88.
Comparison of machine learning methods for runoff forecasting in mountainous watersheds with limited data
Adamowski J., Prasher S.O.
Key words: Himalayas, machine learning, runoff forecasting, support vector regression, wavelet networks
For citation: Adamowski J., Prasher S.O. 2012. Comparison of machine learning methods for runoff forecasting in mountainous watersheds with limited data. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 17 p. 89–97.